Jenny Ruud, B.F.A.

Associate Director of Academic Advising, Honors College Advisor


Bernard Hall 103

(501) 450-3644

 Advise: Honor & Scholar Students


About ´³±ð²Ô²Ô²âÌý

´³±ð²Ô²Ô²âÌýRuud is the Assistant Director of the Academic Advising Center. She serves as the advisor for all Schedler Honors College and University Scholar students at С²ÝӰԺ during their first two years. Jenny has worked in the Academic Advising Center since 2008. Prior to coming to С²ÝÓ°Ôº, she worked for several institutions in the Northeast in Admissions and Alumni relations, and as a Public Relations Associate for a firm in New York City. She holds a BFA from the New School University in New York.


What she loves most about advising is encouraging and mentoring others so that they can be their best and most true selves. She believes that success is being who YOU want be (not what others want for you).  If you are doing what you love, you are a success.


In her spare time, ´³±ð²Ô²Ô²âÌýenjoys performing and directing theater in the Central Arkansas area and also teaches piano and voice at the Red Curtain Theater in Conway. She is an avid reader, loves traveling, and enjoys spending time with her husband and five-year-old twins.