Senior Accounting Major Amaya Whitmore Secures Full-Time Job After Internship


In fall 2022, Senior accounting major Amaya Whitmore accepted an internship to explore what a career in accounting might be like. Little did she know, her fall internship would extend into spring 2023 and then turn into a full-time job offer after she graduates in May. Learn more about Amaya’s experience and her plans for the future:

Why did you choose this internship?
I saw this position for a paid internship at Dillard’s on Handshake. I wasn’t really looking for an internship when I came across this position, but I was in a rut of trying to decide which route I wanted to take after graduation. So I decided that it would be a great opportunity for me to get some experience and decide if I like working in tax. I had done a lot of research on accounting careers, and public vs. private, and realized that most people go the public accounting route after graduation, so I wanted to see what private accounting was like and to get that experience.

What did you learn at this internship?
My internship at Dillard’s has taught me so much. My favorite part has been being able to put the skills that I have learned into the classroom into practice and see real life examples. Working in the tax field, there is always so much to learn with the laws constantly changing. Also, I have been able to learn so many tips and tricks in Excel. We take courses that focus on Excel in the College of Business, but getting to use the program every day has allowed me to learn many shortcuts and ways to make using Excel more efficient.

How do you think this internship will be beneficial in your career?
I have already learned so much, and I am still learning on a daily basis. The things that I have learned from this internship have already helped me in the classroom setting, so I know it will help me in trying to get my CPA license and anything after that.

How do you plan to use your degree?
I will be graduating from С²ÝÓ°Ôº with my B.B.A. in Accounting in May. I plan to return to С²ÝÓ°Ôº in the fall to start the Master of Accountancy program. Also, I plan to start studying to take the CPA exam. There are so many things that someone can do with a degree in Accounting, so I know that my possibilities are endless!

What advice do you have for students who may (or may not) be considering an internship?
The biggest advice that I have is to take advantage of any internship opportunity that you can get! Internships are very beneficial and allow you to get some insight into what you could possibly be doing in the future. It is a great time to figure out what you like and don’t like, and help you decide what you want to do in the future. Plus, you never know the opportunities you can get from your internship… you could end up with a full-time job secured for after graduation!

COB Ambassadors Offer Advice and Support to Classmates as Spring Classes Begin

As spring semester begins, student leaders in the College of Business are offering support, encouragement, experience, and advice to their classmates. Check out their tips to succeed, goals they have, and classes they’ve enjoyed.

Izzy Saetelle | Sophomore | Marketing
“I think the most important part of starting a new semester is developing a routine for studying and completing your coursework. This will look different for everyone, so it is important to know what situations you work best in.”


Jose Castro | Senior | Business Administration
“My favorite class last semester was Entrepreneurial Finance with Dr. Standridge at 8:00am. That class built my discipline, and I enjoyed listening to a successful businessman teach a business class.”

Jamia Akbar | Junior | Computer Information Systems & Analytics
“A class I really liked this semester: Website Development. It introduced me to web framework, and I enjoyed learning more about html. I even got to create my own website!”



Amecia Ellis | Freshman | Marketing
“I’m very thankful for Dr. Moseley. She helped me figure out which major I want, as well as helped me gain friends throughout all the events and our meetings every Thursday. One thing I do know is that she is an amazing advisor, and if I ever need help with anything I know I could go to her.”


Claire Coon | Junior | Logistics & Supply Chain Management
“Dr. Joe McGarrity’s Intermediate Microeconomics was my favorite class last semester, and I highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in applying economics outside the classroom.  The appeal of economics for me has always been how applicable it is to my everyday life, and Dr. McGarrity really emphasized this by extensively teaching on how the concept of Game Theory explains why people make certain decisions.  His teaching style paired with the class content kept me always kept me engaged; I’ve never been in a class where time passes so quickly. ” 

Tymera Marsh | Freshman | Marketing
“I am thankful for Professor Hurley for making my transition to high school algebra and college algebra easy.”

Reagan Reiter | Sophomore | Accounting

“My goal this year is to stay mentally and physically healthy – finding time to workout and take care of myself.”



Thanks to our awesome Ambassadors for sharing! Don’t forget about the many tools that С²ÝÓ°Ôº provides students to help you succeed.

• Ìý³Û´Ç³Ü°ùÌý is here to guide you, so be sure to  with any questions you have.
•  offers many tools including free professional clothing from the WOW Closet and , an online tool that helps you find internships and jobs.
•  If you’re struggling in a class, you can visit the  or contact your professor for help.
•  Read the full  for more resources.


COB Advisory Board Member Featured in AY Magazine, Gives Advice to Women in Business

Donna Townsell, award-winning businesswoman and member of the College of Business Advisory Board, was recently . In the interview Townsell gave advice that no aspiring woman in business should miss.

“Sometimes I’m the only female in the room. My approach has always been to listen and learn as much as possible. When the time is right, speak with confidence and add your voice to the conversation,” said Townsell.

After 28 years in business, Townsell has used this philosophy to attain senior leadership positions and gain many accolades, including the .

Read more of .