
Serving the World

Honors World

How do you want to make a difference?

Honors College applicants produce an essay on that topic. It鈥檚 their first step into an undergraduate curriculum that:

  • introduces service learning to freshmen
  • requires a commitment to volunteer action from sophomores
  • culminates in a service project with a global focus in the capstone seminar

Honors College graduates are citizen-scholars, putting their academic training to work for the public good of their neighbors and neighborhoods, nearby and around the world. Support the Honors College today.

Students utilize skills developed in their majors, as well as the lifelong-learning capacities for:

  • inquiry
  • communication
  • collaboration

Emphasized in their Honors interdisciplinary classes, students boldly confront problems they perceive in their communities and around the world. They build:

  • non-profit organizations
  • forge partnerships with government agencies
  • work to benefit charitable groups of every kind