Online Course Login


A student must log in to to access their Blackboard courses. (http://my.uca.edu).

To log in to myС²ÝÓ°Ôº you will need your network account information. Your username is the first part of your email address and your password is a six digit pin number.(jdoe@cub.uca.edu username is jdoe)

If you don’t know this information you will need to contact I.T. at 501-450-3107.

Once in Blackboard you will go to the My Courses tab. Click on the course you are trying to access, a new window should pop up, you are now in your Blackboard course.

If you get any digital signature or Active X warnings, click on the warning and accept/run.

Having Trouble? Visit the С²ÝÓ°Ôº IT Distance Education Blackboard Support Page.