ACAD 3101: Career and Life Planning

Life after graduation can seem daunting.Ìý

The Department of Student Transitions proudly offers a one-credit-hour course that offers students the opportunity to prepare for that big transition between college and beginning your career pathway.Ìý This course, Career and Life Planning (ACAD 3101), is designed to help you answer the following essential questions:

  1. What do I need to know to plan for my first job after graduation?
  2. What kinds of tools are available to use to get organized?
  3. What kinds of life decisions will I need to make and how can I make the best ones?

What is Career and Life Planning?

This one-credit-hour course provides students with the opportunity to learn more about the decisions and tools that will be needed to start your life after graduation. For more information, see a sample .

Who takes Career and Life Planning?

This course is open to anyone who wants to prepare for making real-world decisions about their career and life.Ìý It is specifically designed for students who are close to graduation, but anyone can benefit from the course?

Who teaches Career and Life Planning?

Faculty from the Department of Student Transitions and other relevant offices and departments teach the course.Ìý The faculty have extensive experience in teaching and working with students who are developing skills and a knowledge base to create a successful life after graduation.