Big Interview – Interview Practice



Students, practice your interviewing skills online using Big Interview; a software program that provides free, online interview practice for current students and alumni! With Big Interview you can:

  • Create a profile
  • Practice and record tough interview questions
  • Sent your practice interviews to someone for review
  • Choose from dozens of interview sets and over 20 different industries/majors.
  • Utilize nearly 40 lessons and learn all the best interviewing techniques to get you on track.
  • Save your practice interviews to review later and get feedback from others.


How Do I Use Big Interview?

Create your profile

  1. Visit on your desktop OR download the Big Interview App if you are using a smart device.
  2. Click the [Register] button in the top right corner
  3. Input the following Organizational Code: 80235
  4. Fill out your information and create a password (you may use your MyС²ÝÓ°Ôº password), then select the green [Create My Account] button
  5. Click “login” and fill out the Demographics survey and click the green [Save] button

Note: desktop users must use Google Chrome or Firefox as a browser for Big Interview to work correctly.

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Practice and Record Yourself

  1. Click the “Practice” tab on the upper blue menu bar
  2. Next, click the [Practice Interviews] button
  3. Select a mock interview standard set that you would like to complete
  4. Choose one of the categories that you would like to practice by selecting one of the interviewers names
  5. Click the white arrow play button on top of the interviewer to hear the interview question
  6. Once you are ready, click the red [Start recording] button
  7. After you have completed your answer, select the red [Stop Recording] button
  8. Next, click the green [Save] button
  9. Now click the green [Next question] button to move on
  10. Continue recording and saving as many responses as you would like

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Send your mock interviews to a Career Coach for Review

  1. Click the “My Videos” tab on the upper blue menu bar
  2. Check the boxes to the left of the videos you would like to submit for review
  3. Select the blue [Share Selected] button
  4. Add bears4hire@uca.edu into the e-mail field to send your videos (You can also add a message)
  5. Select the green [Send Email] button
  6. A career coach will send you feedback within 48 hours

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