While interacting with students across the university, community members may be confronted with situations in which a student is in need of assistance or intervention or students who are disruptive and/or display behaviors that may be intimidating or threatening to others. Faculty, staff, students or others who are concerned about a student’s behavior are encouraged to report using the . These reports are received by the Office of the Dean of Students who will assess each report and make a response plan with members of the CARE Team.

The CARE Team (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation Team) seeks to formalize the university’s process for greater communication, collaboration, and coordination of concerns regarding students. The Office of the Dean of Students wants all С²ÝÓ°Ôº faculty, staff and students to have a resource for helping students who may be facing challenges in their academic or personal lives. The CARE Team’s goal is to encourage the prompt reporting of concerns about students. Our ability to intervene in a timely manner may lessen the negative impact on their success.

Even if you are uncertain about whether or not to report your concern, you should move forward with the reporting process. Our office will assess the information you provide and determine the best support options for the student. Please do not ignore your instinct to report. If you have come to this page looking for a resource, the concern needs to be shared.

Concerning behaviors are those that may interfere with a student’s ability to be successful and/or function well in the living, learning or work environment. Some examples of concerns to report may include but are not limited to:

  • Poor academic performance, uncharacteristic lack of class participation and/or excessive absence.
  • Significant illness (such as coronavirus or influenza), injury, or hospitalization
  • Homesickness, loneliness, difficulty adjusting to university life
  • Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
  • Observed self-injury such as extreme thinness, burns or cuts
  • Uncharacteristic or extreme aggression toward others
  • Substance abuse or being under the influence of illicit drugs
  • Major life events including loss of a relationship, change in financial status, and/or death of a loved one
  • Projects or papers that convey possible intentions to harm self or others
  • Suicidality, including threats, gestures, ideation and known attempts of suicide
  • Infatuation with fire, firearms, bombs, ammunition or weaponry

If you encounter an emergency that requires immediate attention, please dial 911.