CDPG Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ page will grow as more questions are frequently asked—or as we discover questions that should be more frequently asked. In the meantime …

The continuous enrollment grade mode (its code is E) is used for certain kinds of courses (typically thesis, dissertation, or other multi-term courses) where continuous enrollment is required; this grade mode uses the grades PR (Progress – Credit), CR (Credit), and NC (No Credit) as needed. A PR grade indicates that a student has made satisfactory progress in the course/project but has not completed it; a CR grade is used in this context to indicate that the course/project has been successfully completed. Both PR and CR result in earned credit hours but do not carry quality points (and thus are not included in GPA calculations); an NC grade signifies in this context unsatisfactory progress or failure to complete the course/project—and so, of course, earns neither credit nor quality points. Note that the continuous enrollment grade mode is not intended to be used as a substitute for Deferred Credit (that is, an incomplete grade) in a course not requiring continuous enrollment for more than one term.

The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned only if a student has completed the majority of the work in a class and if satisfactory completion of the remaining course requirements can result in a passing grade for that term’s work. An Incomplete is given only when a student, because of extenuating circumstances, cannot complete all of the course work by the end of the term and was otherwise passing up to the point the extenuating circumstance occurred.

An “I” grade is not computed in the GPA. If the course work has not been completed and a Grade Change Form submitted by the end of the following semester (Fall or Spring) or by the deadline set by the instructor, the Incomplete will be changed to a grade of “F.” A student cannot re-enroll in a course for which they have an outstanding Incomplete.

No student may be cleared for conferral of an undergraduate or graduate degree until all Incomplete grades have been removed and all unreported grades (NR) have been reported.

See the Undergraduate Bulletin or the Graduate Bulletin for more detail about the Incomplete grade policy.

The instructional method of a class identifies the setting in which instruction is delivered. Instruction is defined as the portion of the teaching, learning, and assessment that occurs during traditional, face-to-face class meetings, or the online equivalent, and does not include coursework completed outside of class (i.e., “homework”). СӰԺ uses four types of instructional method: traditional (TRAD), online (DEAS or DESY), hybrid (HYBR), and OTHER.

Note: The “emergency events” instructional method codes HYEV and DEEV are reserved for university-declared emergencies, usually of at least a full semester in duration.

A traditional class (TRAD) meets face-to-face on a synchronous schedule, with little to no planned instruction occurring online (less than 25%). Online coursework may be assigned to be completed outside of class meetings.

In an online class, 100% of the total instruction occurs online, either synchronously (DESY) or asynchronously (DEAS). Online classes that include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction should be designated as synchronous (DESY). Online instruction must include regular and substantive interactions between the instructor(s) and students that are provided throughout the course and are primarily instructor-initiated. (See the definition of “regular and substantive interaction” below.) Although all instruction occurs online, the instructor may assign asynchronous coursework that requires students to be physically present at specific locations relevant to the course goals, such as field or clinical experiences. Because all instruction occurs online, the instructor must ensure that the total amount of instruction and other coursework is equal in terms of approximate time and rigor to an equivalent traditional class that regularly meets face-to-face.

A hybrid class (HYBR) incorporates both traditional (face-to-face) and online instructional settings distributed over the course of the term, with the online portion ranging from approximately 25% to 75% of the total instruction. The online instruction in a hybrid class must include regular and substantive interactions between the instructor(s) and students that are provided throughout the course and are primarily instructor-initiated. (See the definition of “regular and substantive interaction” below.) Instructors of hybrid classes avail themselves of the most effective features of both online and face-to-face teaching and learning, integrating approaches so they complement and augment, rather than duplicate, content.

Other classes (OTHER) that do not fit the instructional methods above may include internship, practicum, fieldwork, clinical rotations, independent study, thesis work, and dissertation work.

Regular and Substantive Interaction adapted from the :

An institution ensures regular interaction between a student and an instructor or instructors by, prior to the student’s completion of a course,

  1. Providing the opportunity for substantive interactions with the student on a predictable and scheduled basis commensurate with the length of time and the amount of content in the course; and
  2. Monitoring the student’s academic engagement and success and ensuring that an instructor is responsible for promptly and proactively engaging in substantive interaction with the student when needed on the basis of such monitoring, or upon request by the student.

Substantive interaction is engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment consistent with the content under discussion, and also includes at least two of the following:

  1. Providing direct instruction (asynchronous lecture videos are not direct instruction);
  2. Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s coursework (programs that automatically provide feedback or grade students’ work do not count);
  3. Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course;
  4. Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course; or
  5. Other instructional activities approved by HLC or the program’s accrediting agency.

Note: Courses that do not include regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor are considered correspondence courses. СӰԺ is not authorized by its accreditor (HLC) to offer correspondence courses.

Page updated: April 13, 2023