CDPG Table of Required Forms

Curriculum Forms may be downloaded from the CDPG Forms page. Identifiers of forms for use with undergraduate curriculum change begin with <U>. Those for use with graduate curriculum change begin with <G>.

Action items marked with a dagger () also require an ADHE attachment (generally indicated in the relevant С²ÝÓ°Ôº form; if not, noted below). ADHE attachments, customized for С²ÝÓ°Ôº use, are available for download from the CDPG Forms page.

Curriculum items not listed here should generally be considered action items. If in doubt, direct questions to the Director of the С²ÝÓ°Ôº Core, the Associate Provost for Academic Success, or the Dean of the Graduate School.

Table Updated 2022-11-10
Action Items
New program, new program by reconfiguration, new program option ()U3, G3
Program name change (major, minor, degree, certificate, program option) (: ADHE Attachment A)
For academic unit (department, center, college, etc.) name changes, see .
U2-A, G2-A
Conversion of existing course to online/hybridU2-O, G2-O
Conversion of existing program to online/hybridU3-O, G3-O
Program-Specific Admission Policy/Requirements (new or revised)U2-A, G2-A
New Undergraduate CourseU1 (may also require U2-O or Curriculum Attachment A)
New Graduate CourseG1 (may also require G2-O)
Change in total SCH for major, minor, degree, certificateU2-A, G2-A
Add/remove required courses in major, minor, degree, certificateU2-A, G2-A
Add/remove elective courses if total SCH changed or the change affects another departmentU2-A, G2-A
Add existing course(s) to the С²ÝÓ°Ôº CoreU2-A, Attachment A
Designate existing course(s) as FYSU2-A, Attachment B
Remove course(s) from С²ÝÓ°Ôº CoreU2-A
Change course prerequisites or registration restrictions for major, minor, degree, certificate if total SCH is changed or if the change affects another departmentU2-A, G2-A
Change level/credit value of courseU2-A, G2-A
Remove course(s) from the UBulletin or GBulletin when the change affects total SCH or affects another departmentU2-A, G2-A
Any curriculum change action item that affects Student Financial AidCurriculum Attachment C (with appropriate form)
Information Items
Change course titleU2-I, G2-I
Add/remove elective courses if total SCH unchanged and the change does not affect another departmentU2-I, G2-I
Change course prerequisites or registration restrictions for major, minor, degree, certificate if total SCH is unchanged and the change does not affect another departmentU2-I, G2-I
Remove course(s) from the UBulletin or GBulletin when total SCH is unchanged and when the removal does not affect another departmentU2-I, G2-I
Reinstate courses inactive for less than five yearsU2-I, G2-I
Nonsubstantive editorial change of course description(s)U2-I, G2-I
Any curriculum change information item that affects Student Financial AidCurriculum Attachment C (with appropriate form)
Mixed Action and Information
Deletion of a program (degree, certificate, program option, minor) ()U3-D, G3-D

Course offerings will be reviewed periodically by the Director of the С²ÝÓ°Ôº Core, the Associate Provost for Academic Success, and the Dean of the Graduate School. For courses which have not been offered during the previous five years, department chairs will be asked to provide justification for continuation or to request deletion.