CDPG Forms

This page provides links to forms used in the curriculum development process. The forms are in MS Word format (except for certain ADHE documents in PDF format) and are in some instances protected for form filling. Word forms may be downloaded, filled in, saved, and used in curriculum processes.

To save to your local computer, right-click on the link to a form and choose “Save Target As . . .” (Internet Explorer) or “Save Link As . . .” (Chrome, Edge, or Firefox).

Note for users of Word for Windows. When you are ready to use the form: If Word opens your form in the Reading view, switch to the Edit Document view to fill in the form.

Use the tabs to find the forms you need.

С²ÝÓ°Ôº Curriculum Forms

Note: All curriculum forms underwent a light but comprehensive update in March 2016. As further corrections and updates are introduced, the date of the update will be indicated. Please check this page regularly to ensure that you are using the most up-to-date form.

Compatible with Word for Mac and Word for Windows: In order to provide for use in both Mac and Windows environment, the С²ÝÓ°Ôº curriculum forms use cross-platform compatible content controls and are tested in the latest versions of Word for Mac and Word for Windows before being linked here. Filenames of the cross-platform compatible forms include the infix <-cpc->.

Suggestions for successful use of these forms: These forms will work best if you complete them using Word (not Google Docs). Using Google Docs not only reformats headers and footers, but it also changes the size and formatting of actual form fields, in some cases creating a document quite difficult to read. Our suggestion is that you download the form to your local computer, complete all the fillable parts of the form in Word, and save the form. At this point you can print the form for its hard copy journey and signatures; we recommend further, however, that you also save it as a PDF document (thereby freezing the format). The PDF document will retain its format in a digital journey through the curriculum process. We fervently hope—and truly believe—that we will be signing these things electronically one of these days and will, therefore, be able to combine the two journeys.

Undergraduate Curriculum Forms

Graduate Curriculum Forms

Curriculum Form Attachments

Program Assessment Forms

See links to forms and instructions on this page: /assessment/academic-assessment/.

ADHE Forms / Attachments

Note: ADHE forms – with some customization for С²ÝÓ°Ôº use – are linked from the following list as a service for С²ÝÓ°Ôº proposers. ADHE periodically updates these forms, and the Office of the Provost will do its best to ensure that the forms linked here are current. The ADHE guidelines related to proposals are available linked from the web page.

Letters of Intent

LOI-1: New Degree Program (updated 2019-06-06)

LOI-2: New Academic Administrative Unit (updated 2019-06-06)

LOI-3: New Off-Campus Center (updated 2019-06-06)

LOI-4: Reactivation of Program Inactive for Five Years (updated 2019-06-06)

Letters of Notification/ADHE Attachments

Since June 2019, LON Forms are, for the most part, outdated, since how we submit these notifications to ADHE has changed even as most of the information continues to be required. I am posting the LON form replacements as “ADHE Attachments.” As I make progress with preparing the replacements, the original LONs still listed here will be removed. If questions arise, email them to Kurt Boniecki (kurtb@uca.edu). —2023-08-22|KB

New ADHE Attachments

ADHE Attachment A: Title Change (Certificate/Degree Program, Organizational Unit)
(For academic unit—department, center, college, etc.—title changes, use this form and the process detailed in the Other Change Processes page.)

ADHE Attachment B: Program CIP Code Change

ADHE Attachment C1: Establishment of Administrative Unit (Center, Division, or Institute not offering primary faculty appointments, or certificate or degree programs)

ADHE Attachment C2: Establishment of New Administrative Unit (Instruction, Research, or Service Institute/Center fully supported by non-state funds)

ADHE Attachment D: Reorganization of Existing Organizational Units

ADHE Attachment E1: Deletion of Degree or Certificate Program

ADHE Attachment E2: Deletion of a Concentration/Emphasis/Track

ADHE Attachment E3: Deletion of a Minor Program

ADHE Attachment E4: Deletion of an Organizational Unit

ADHE Attachment F: Inactivate or Reactivate a Program

ADHE Attachment G1: New Undergraduate Certificate of Proficiency (CP)

ADHE Attachment G2: New Undergraduate Technical Certificate (TC)

ADHE Attachment H: New Graduate Certificate (GC or PMC)

ADHE Attachment I1: New Concentration in Existing Degree Program

ADHE Attachment I2: New Undergraduate Minor Program

ADHE Attachment K: Reconfiguration of Existing Degree Program(s)

ADHE Attachment L: Existing Program, Online/Hybrid Justification

ADHE Attachment M: С²ÝÓ°Ôº Online Program Support (updated 2022-04-30)

new update ADHE Attachment N: Curriculum Revision of Existing Certificate or Degree Program

ADHE Letters of Notification Not Yet Replaced

LON-12: Existing Program at Off-Campus Location

LON-TR: AA/AS Articulation/Transfer Agreement

LON-E: Existing Education Certificate or Degree

Educator Licensure Programs

Contact the College of Education for information about the latest protocols and forms.


P-1: Program Proposal (updated 2021-01-13)

P-1: Program Proposal – Instructions (updated 2021-01-13)

ADHE supporting documents for proposals (use as required by P-1 or other forms):